
We’ll try to build an image classification model that identifies each member of the Peaky Blinders family.

This is based on Lesson 1 of the “Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022” course by

(Also part of my Course series where I document my journey going through the course)

I view the process of training this model as three pieces:

  1. Collecting the Data
  2. Loading the Dataset into Dataloaders
  3. Training the model

Before diving in, we need to set up the machine by installing necessary libraries

The completed Google Colab notebook is linked in the Resources section

Setting up Google Colab

I use Google Colab because I find it intuitive and can connect it with Google Drive to save the notebooks and data.

You can find detailed information on how to set up Jupyter notebooks on different platforms here

Open a new Notebook and in the first code block, enter the following code

!pip install -Uqq fastai
!pip install duckduckgo_search
  • We prefix ! When using bash commands. It’s mostly used to install libraries and copy/move files around in our use case
  • We install fastai and duckduckgo_search libraries where the latter is used to download images as we shall see in the next section

Hint: Don’t forget to change the runtime of your notebook to GPU. You do that by Runtime > change runtime type > GPU

Collecting the Data

Downloading Data

  • First import the following modules
from duckduckgo_search import ddg_images
from fastcore.all import *
from fastdownload import download_url
from import *
  • Then we define the search_images function
def search_images(term, max_images=30):
    print(f"Searching for '{term}'")
    return L(ddg_images(term,max_results=max_images)).itemgot('image')

L is just a component which returns a List

  • Next we define our search terms and download the images. I use two Lists, the first list downloads the images the actors in Peaky Blinders set and the other downloads general images of actors
  • This would be ideal since we would get images from different perspective and time period. This would force the model to learn from unique facial features
search_terms_1 = ['Thomas Shelby','Arthur Shelby','Ada Shelby','Polly Gray','Michael Gray','John Shelby']
search_terms_2 = ['Cillian Murphy','Paul Anderson','Sophie Rundle','Helen McCrory','Joe Cole','Finn Cole']

path = Path('peaky_blinders_family')
from time import sleep

for index in range(0,len(search_terms_1)):
  dest = (path/search_terms_1[index])
  download_images(dest,urls=search_images(f'{search_terms_1[index]} peaky blinders photo',max_images=30))
  download_images(dest,urls=search_images(f'{search_terms_2[index]} actor photo',max_images=30))
- sleep(10) is used to not overload the server
- we resize the images to 400 since it's the most suited size for GPU training. 

Cleaning the Data

  • There’s a high chance that some the photos are broken or corrupted. We can use verify_images function to easily check for them and remove them using unlink method
path = Path('peaky_blinders_family')
failed = verify_images(get_image_files(path))
len(failed) # to check number of failed items

Now we have our Dataset downloaded and cleaned

Moving the dataset to Google drive (Optional)

If you plan on using this dataset again in the future, you should consider moving it to Google Drive. You could easily download it from there and also use it in other Colab Notebooks

from google.colab import drive
You will be prompted to sign in with your google account.

Create a folder called dataset in your drive and use the following command to copy it to google drive

!cp peaky_blinders_family/ drive/MyDrive/dataset/

Loading the Dataset into Dataloaders

The following is from the Kaggle Notebook for lesson 1:

“To train a model, we’ll need DataLoaders, which is an object that contains a training set (the images used to create a model) and a validation set (the images used to check the accuracy of a model – not used during training).”

  • First we create a Datablock with various parameters and then pass it to Dataloaders object
dls = DataBlock(

Here what each of the DataBlock parameters means:

blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock),

Represents the Input and output types. In this case our input is an image and output is category(Tommy or Arthur etc.)


gets the image files

splitter=RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.2, seed=42),

Splits the dataset into Training and Validation set. Training set are used to train the model and Validation set is used to test the accuracy of the model. In this case 0.2% of the dataset are Validation set


Sets the output value. In this case we just use the folder name of the parent folder(Cillian Murphy etc.).

item_tfms=[Resize(192, method='squish')]

Resizes the images by squishing it.

  • We then call Dataloaders on the Datablock dls

bs defines how many samples per batch to load.

Hint: If any of the parameters are confusing, you can always read about them in the documentation. For example, here is the page for dataloaders class

Training the Model

We can use one of the many pretrained models available to fine tune our model. For our task we shall use the resnet50 model.

Fine-Tuning saves a lot of time by initializing the downloaded model with the set of weights that works the best.

learn = vision_learner(dls,resnet50,metrics=error_rate)

I used 5 epochs as it gives me the least possible error rate through trial and error. I also tried other models such as resnet18 but the one we chose performs exponentially better with lower error rates.

Testing our Model

Let’s upload some pictures to the notebook and test our model.

We load a test image using PILImage.Create() and use predict method on with it

im = Path('drive/MyDrive/peaky_test/art1.jpg')
member,_,probs = learn.predict(PILImage.create(im))
print(f"This is {member}")
print(f"Probability it's {member}: {probs[0]:.4f}")

We get correct results for every test images with probability of 0.9 and above.


It’s incredible how easy it is to train an image classification model in under 30mins and with little data. It would seem that massive amounts of data are required to train something like this, but we’ve done it with 60 Images.

Resources and Links